Monthly Archives: December 2020

Week of November 28th

This week for me was very eye opening I will say. I realized I am not a kid anymore (funny because I am 20 and I am just now realizing I am not a kid anymore). I sometimes miss being a kid and not having the same responsibilities I have now. Relationships don’t always last, it either being a friendship or an intimate relationship. I recently watched this movie ‘Clouds’ . It made me realize your life is not guaranteed, love yourself and most importantly do what makes YOU happy and not others, STOP caring about what others think or have to say about you because at the end of the day your happiness is what matters and not others. You do not need a group of friends to be happy or go on adventures with. I have two friends and one of them means the world to me, my partner and my adventure buddy. If I could, I would always choose her. Unfortunately, the society that I live in makes it impossible for me to live my life the way I want to. It stops me from loving the person I love the most and forces me to think about what people will say. I did get to learn a lot from  my past and I feel like it has made me a lot mature and helped me make mature choices/decisions. I just sometimes wish life was not as complicated as it is but I guess this is what you call ‘life’ right?. Well, that is how my week went. Finals have started and so far I have been doing great in them!

Week of November 21st

This week was normal, nothing really interesting happened. Finals are coming up and it’s just me trying to catch up on all my assignments and get my work done. Studying for my  finals and I also graduate this week from memorizing the Quran. Since the days are shorter and it gets dark by 4:00pm there is not much I can do. It is also very cold now too, which means I cannot even ride my bike or go on long walks. I have actually tried not eating from outside anymore, I am cutting eating outside food because I eat it way too much. I just cannot say ‘no’ to food. It is as if I will die if I say no to eating, that is one thing I love to do. I have actually made a lot of progress regarding my assignments and that has made a lot stress free. I went out to Starbucks with my friends twice this week, that was a mind refresher. I just want this semester to be over so I can play my PS5 in peace with no stress. I actually forgot to mention I ordered the PS5, I had my entire family on their phones or any kind of device on the Walmart website. The PS5 was sold out in 20 seconds. Luckily, I was able to get it.

Week of November 18th

This week was one of my favorite weeks ever in a long time. My aunt hosted a dinner for my family at their house. It was actually my girlfriends house. No one knows that we are together in our family, which made everything 100 times more exciting and fun. She was the one who opened the door when we came. She looked so beautiful wearing her black traditional dress. Both of us made direct eye contact and our hearts were racing. It was all very risky, but the thrill was so fun. Her brothers and I are friends, well we are family friends after all. Trying to see each other secretly and making eye contact it all felt like a movie. Looking for excuses to get a glimpse of each other. The food was amazing as always, she told her mom to make some of my favorite dishes. In order to be in the same room together we had to come up with a plan. The boys were playing UNO and cards, so I asked the girls if they wanted to play as well since she was with my sister and her sister. They all agreed to play. We all started to play and I think it was my favorite part of the day. Our siblings know we like eachother so all their eyes were on us, we had to be careful and not make anything suspicious. I did not want to go home, I was having so much fun. I loved that our siblings were playing together and it just felt so good. When we had to go home it made me so sad. It was a very memorable day, I still cherish it till this day. Soon, my mom is going to a dinner for their family and I cannot wait.