Week of November 7th

This week started off very hectic but gradually as everyday went by the week was getting better. I had a lot of exams coming my way. I didn’t know if I was ready for them. I spent many hours tirelessly trying to study for my exams. The day finally arrives for my Chemistry exam. I feel like I am ready for this. I just want it to be over with. I start taking the test. I realize that the test isn’t that hard and I have studies for pretty much all of it. I am racing through my questions and next thing you know I am already at the last question and I have about 30 minutes to spare. The bad part is that I cannot go back to review so I press the submit button. I was shocked when I saw my results to the 32 question multiple choice exam. Not to my belief I had a 66% average. It felt like my heart had dropped through my chest. I hated that feeling. I just wanted to quit. I had never gotten this low grade in my life. After a while I realized that the professor said he will drop one exam out of the three which helped in calming me down. Days pass by from the exam day and its Friday night. My favorite night. I was on my couch being bored when all of a sudden I get a call from my cousin saying he is waiting downstairs. He says lets go to Manhattan to grab some food and he was down to give me a tour of his college. He drove me to Manhattan College and took me on a tour. It was amazing. He showed me the good and the bad about the college. The best part of the college was that they have a senior walk in middle of two gardens where only seniors are allowed to walk and if you are not one you have to walk backwards. I thought this was really amazing. After then we grabbed the very famous halal guys and enjoyed it a lot, well not my taste buds because the hot sauce was super hot. I enjoyed the week a lot except that 66% in Chemistry.

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